Lesbians certainly derive enormous pleasure from each other and the older lesbians definitely have not so much a taste as a passion bordering upon obsession for firm, young, female flesh and fresh, nubile pussy, just like many older men. Lesbians are every bit as p r e d a t o r y as heterosexual males, but they do not get as much publicity or condemnation as men.
I was at a party with my wife we had been drinking just for fun she started to kissing her I told her to take it in the bedroom just for fun the next thing she on the bed with her leg open having her pussy lick out I wanted to fuck the both of them after would she got a good seeing to she told me that she has been seeing her friend for ages and now I just enjoy seeing them haveing sex
Geezus!...Almost every married man fantasizes about his wife sharing sex with another woman. What's that about?!! I seriously doubt they want their wives to BE LESBIANS an leave home!!!
My opinion as a young woman who doesn't identify as lesbian, even though I have enjoyed intense multi-orgasmic sex with a few women: Porn came from the minds of men, and ever since they tag a woman as being lesbian if she's had sex with another female. In EVERY GIRL-GIRL VIDEO they're called lesbians!! THAT'S PURE BS, AND MEN BELIEVE IT!!!